If it pains you to shelter in place try sheltering in no place to live
Raise your voice. Share what you are passionate about by submitting your original music video and helping us to share this message to all of us fortunate “dwellers”. If you have them, share songs about issues facing people in this time. And share songs about hope, love and celebrating the advantages we all have.
Raise Awareness. Covid has increased the suffering of the half million Americans who are homeless. The Winter Solstice (Dec 21) is the shortest day for most people, but the longest coldest night for many. We need your help to draw attention to this exploding crisis. We want to use your songs and build a wall meant to let people in.
Raise Funds. Donate your video (and some money if you can) to SAW Serves the Homeless to help increase awareness provide needed food, shelter and other essentials. And then spread the word (and the link to our video wall) to your friends, fans and unlikely strangers. All the money will go directly to Hope4Restoration and So Others Might Eat (SOME), two non-profit organizations focused year round on community-based solutions for ending homeless.
Ask your fans to mention your name when donating; SAW will hold a concert in early 2021 featuring our most popular artists on the wall. You can make a difference, share your songs and build our community of songwriters, just by sharing your music.
The shortest day in America is the longest night for the homeless.