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Title: The World Keeps Spinning Round
Author: Doug Adair
Votes: 0

Category: social justice
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Description: Here's the recording of "The World Keeps Spinning Round" by Doug Adair & the Routes & Roots (R&R) Band. "There's so much talk about saving the planet What about saving the human race? When there’s not a single person left standing The world will still be spinning The world will still be spinning in space Round and round, round and round Round and round, the world keeps spinning round...." Many thanks to Fred Barreto, Breno Pádua Brandão Carneiro, Isaias Rabelo, Vitor Rios (Gigito), Flash Alvarez, Ricardo Sibalde, Nancy Viégas, Tadeu Mascarenhas, Giba Conceicão, José Iannini (Daniel), Thiago Trad Netto, Estudio Casa das Maquinas, Carla Adair, Milena Penha, Mardou Monzel, Juliano Rodrigues, Franciesco Rodrigues, Hopetar Adair, Tyler Adair, Jake Adair and many others for doing their part and contributing to the cause of Peace. The World Keeps Spinning Round By Doug Adair and Fred Barreto © Verse 1 I saw the pictures on the TV It was really more than I could bear How could anyone ever imagine Such a heinous, cowardly act of terror? They say the world stopped spinning Everything changed forever on that day But it seems like nothing much has changed Hate and inhumanity still have their way Chorus And there’s no way of keeping score To know who’s winning or losing ground And while thousands more descend on death’s waiting door The world keeps spinning round Verse 2 There’s a ragged boy of five And he’s standing out on the street He’s begging strangers for pennies But all he really wants is something to eat He’ll lay down tonight cold and lonely Fighting hunger so painfully deep And if he doesn’t wake in the morning Will anybody really lose any sleep? Chorus And there’s no way of keeping score To know who’s winning or losing ground And while thousands more descend on death’s waiting door The world keeps spinning round Round and round, round and round Round and round, the world keeps spinning round Bridge There’s so much talk about saving the planet What about saving the human race? When there’s not a single person left standing The world will still be spinning, the world will still be spinning in space Round and round, round and round Round and round, the world keeps spinning round Verse 3 What’s to stop this awful madness And all the lunatics so bent on waging war Will they ever be contented? Or will they only want for more and more? If the lessons learned from history Aren’t enough to substantiate the case Then the most fortunate among us Are the ones already gone to meet their fate Chorus And there’s no way of keeping score To know who’s winning or losing ground And while thousands more descend on death’s waiting door The world keeps spinning round Round and round, round and round Round and round, the world keeps spinning round Play for Peace! Doug Adair and Everyone Else at ORS Multimídia & ORS Interactive, Inc.

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