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Title: Six Feet Apart
Votes: 0
Category: Original Songs
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Description: In our very first co-write, Heather Mae and I tried to find some beauty amidst the turmoil caused by COVID-19. This gorgeous power ballad is what came out, and I could not be prouder. The idea for this song first came after reading a friend's Facebook post about keeping perspective during this crisis. She was reminding us of the Jews trapped in their homes during the Holocaust and how they couldn't sing or make any noise at all for fear of certain death, but that we, even during this very scary ordeal, can. Just after stumbling across that post, I received a message from a woman who had just seen Heather Mae and I perform in Vermont. She was telling me about how her fiancee and she are apart from one another because one of them works on the front lines and so, in order to keep their kids safe, they are in separate spaces for the foreseeable future. The thought of their love and the perspective my friend's post gave me are what planted the seeds for this song. Please share this one far and wide. I think a lot of people need a little extra love and joy right now, and I truly hope this sweet song will offer some up.
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