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Title: Can't Go It Alone
Author: Jen Hawley
Votes: 0

Category: Original Songs
Views: ?
Description: I have wanted to record this original song for a couple years now but haven’t gotten to it. Being stuck inside has helped! For me, these lyrics have acquired new meaning in light of the pandemic. To all the essential workers on the front lines, I admire your bravery each day as you get in your car and head out to risk your health for others. I hope this song can be a simple but meaningful prayer for you. All audio and video were recorded during the Quarantine, except for the windshield wipers, which I recorded a while ago. Special thanks to my friends who emailed vocal tracks (Dave, Bethany, Brandon, Kim, Ginger, Colette, Jonathan) and the pedal steel track (Matt)!! My amazing husband is the guitarist, drummer, bassist, and cameraman (phone/ipad) and producer!

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